Saturday, December 26, 2009

One Fun Day

Today was one fun day!! We spent the day ice skating on Hauser Lake, bowling, and stocking up on all the Christmas goodies marked down to half off. More importantly we just spent time together which doesn't happen to often these days with all the growing up were doing. I was truly blessed with the most wonderful family a girl could ask for.

Roxy aka mom's favorite kid

Typical she can't just smile :)

One pant leg roll for every gutter ball.......apparently Emily and I SUCK!

52!!! That is the worst I have ever done.....dang!

Papa Joe modeling for your enjoyment~

Friday, December 25, 2009


It is true my room is "PIG PEN"!!!! Twenty-two years of life in boxes and tubs. I have no idea how it is all going to fit in my car, but the boxes of green beans and the tubs of clothes are a must fit.

Christmas Tradition

It's not Christmas Eve without Christmas Pj's!!! I went for the logger style this year....sweet!

Our Swiss Family tradition, gotta love the Swiss!!!

Merry Christmas to ALL!!!!!

Auntie Jay!!

This just in.......I am going to be Auntie Jaime for the first time!!!!

Goodbye Kootenai Medical Center

Yesterday was my last day as a career women at K.M.C. It was a lot harder to say goodbye than I ever expected. At first they were all just "old women" now they are the reason for my tears. I really had a wonderful 1.5 years and loved all of my coworkers for so many different reasons. I soon found out that these women had a lifetime of knowledge and I could learn a great deal from them although some of the information giving to me (I won't go into details) will never come in handy down the road a lot of it will. I am so grateful to everyone of them for always pushing me to be and do better and if I failed they were always there to get me back on track. Here are some random pictures that capture such a wonderful chapter of my life. Thanks to everyone in the Accounting Department, I can honestly say I will never forget any of you!

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

When did she grow up?

Yes I know she grew up way to fast. I was so glad to be able to go down and drop Emily off at school, yes I cried......a lot. She is going to do amazing things and make us all proud, our not so little Organismic Biologist. LOVE YOU EM!!!

Family Weekend Trip

Young Faithful

Yep another typical family photo :)

This one got us soaking wet, can you say boiled egg smell argh.

We got to take a little family weekend trip to take Emily down to BYU-Idaho, I know sad. We got to stop and see the Turners in Bozeman, MT and visit the Lewis and Clark Caves. Then we continued on to Yellowstone to enjoy nature. We got to spend lots and lots of time together which was the greatest!